Cal Poly Report Submission Guidelines
The Cal Poly Report is our official employee newsletter, providing university news and listings for sponsored or sanctioned Cal Poly events. We publish the Cal Poly Report every Wednesday except during academic breaks. The newsletter is published monthly during summer quarter.
Submitting Your Listing
Your text, photos and designated approval form (if applicable) will need to be emailed to us with the subject line "For Cal Poly Report - 00/00 (Date to be Published" no later than 5:00 p.m. the Thursday before publication.
Submissions received after the deadline will be published in the next available issue. Submissions may run only one time, with the exception of Catastrophic Leave drive announcements and Employment Opportunities, which can run up to two consecutive weeks. Items are strictly limited to 100 words and should, whenever possible, provide a single link to further information online. All announcements, events and other listings and information must be faculty- and/or staff-focused.
Text Format
Keep submission text as brief as possible and include a link where readers can find more details. Text should outline the most important items first (name of event/guest, time, date, day and location), followed by a brief summary, contact details and link. Your listing must be no more than 100 words. We may edit submissions for length, style, clarity and consistency. If you include an email link, please hyperlink with a
Your submission doesn't need to have an image. In fact, no image is better than the wrong image.
What's the right image? Try to choose images that are easily visible when sized down for the online newsletter. High-resolution photos are preferred.
- Use photographs or illustrations
- Avoid written information on your image
- Avoid logos
- Never use your department logo
- Do not use versions of your flyer
- We will crop to a standard format, typically a variation of a 4x6 image
- Headshots should be cropped without too much extraneous background
Size your image. The Cal Poly Report uses three sizes generally. Dimensions are:
- Rectangle: 72 DPI. Portrait orientation is 600px by 900px. Landscape orientation is 900px by 600px.
- Square: 72 DPI. 600px by 600px.
- Full Column (only approved on a special basis): 72 DPI. 1600px by 900px or 900px by 507px
To ensure accessibility, please include alt text to be used for your image. This is a brief description of the image. You can read more about writing your alt text, and much more, on Cal Poly's accessibility page.
Designated Approvers
All items need to be submitted directly by your division's designated approver or contain a signed approval form (download links below the list).
President’s Office
Academic Affairs
Tracy Richmond: | 805-756-0864
Administration and Finance
Cindy Pilg: | 805-756-2171
Connor Leary: | 805-756-0275
Ernesto Perez: | 805-756-7297
Cal Poly Partners
Aaron Lambert: | 805-756-5856
Kassidy Church:
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Stephanie Zombek: | 714-401-2371
Bailey College of Science and Mathematics
Nick Wilson: | 805-235-8008
Eileen “Odie” Vavra: | 805-471-0696
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
Haley Marconett: | 805-756-2933
AnnMarie Cornejo: |805-756-2933
College of Architecture and Environmental Design
Alex Flores: | 805-756-7444
College of Engineering
Charlotte Tallman: | 805-756-6402
College of Liberal Arts
Cara King:
Orfalea College of Business
Pat Pemberton: | 805-235-0555
Faculty Staff Associations
Office of University Diversity and Inclusion (OUDI)
Megan Rivoire: | 805-756-2250
Information Technology Services
Alison Robinson: | 805-756-2560
International, Graduate and Extended Education
Britta Numair: | 805-756-7608
Kennedy Library
Shelly Kurkeyerian: | 805-756-2374
Danielle Dilger: | 805.756.2345
Research and Economic Development
Allie Walter: | 805-756-5313
Strategic Enrollment Management
Includes: Admissions, Data Management, Financial Aid, Institutional Research, and Institutional Effectiveness
Colleen Kasel:
Student Affairs (including ASI)
Camille Silvera Marcelino:
University Communications and Marketing
Sasha Palazzo: | 805-756-7155
University Development and Alumni Engagement
Sarah Thien: | 805-756-5747
University Personnel
Includes: Academic Personnel, Civil Rights and Compliance, Human Resources, and Employee and Organization Development
Lauren Daly: | 805-756-0802
Download the Approval Form
Past Issues of the Cal Poly Report
Looking for a past issue of the Cal Poly Report? We have them archived.