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Brand Review

Most marketing and communication items must go through the brand review process before production or distribution. 

Projects That Need Approval

  • Non-scholarly print publications such as strategic plans, annual reports, magazines, newsletters, etc.
  • Digital templates for emails and newsletters
  • Print or digital marketing that impacts the entire university, including but not limited to WOW, Open House and commencement
  • Temporary or permanent banners and signage 
  • Print or digital marketing to external audiences including event collateral and mass mailings
  • Video content to external audiences
  • Advertisements intended for external media including print publications, websites, apps and social media
  • Internal print or digital marketing, including event collateral or rotating promotional graphics, that last throughout an academic quarter. 
  • Any website that uses updated brand elements

What We Review

In addition to ensuring the brand guidelines are followed, we review your pieces for overall style and hierarchy. This includes but isn't limited to the way you use the following:

  • Logo and sub-brand lockups
  • Colors
  • Fonts
  • Editorial style
  • Photography
  • Messaging, voice and tone

Submitting Your Project

To submit your projects for brand review, your unit's designated user must submit your project through WorkZone, our project management system.

Brand review can take roughly five to seven days for you to receive feedback or approval, so be sure to plan ahead. If you receive suggestions to make major changes, you’ll need to submit the updated draft before it is approved.