Emails and Newsletters
These recommendations will assure you are communicating clearly and in a way that is on-brand.
Getting Started
Whether you have a regular newsletter in place or a particular campaign or event you would like to publicize, you need to engage in a planning process before you begin sending your communications. Take the time to define your audience and your purpose, determine a schedule and timeline, and decide how you will define and measure success.

Email content is incredibly important. Learn how to grab the attention of your audience and keep them engaged.

Like all other digital content, email must be accessible to everyone. The Cal Poly Accessibility website explains the requirements.

Email Design
Learn how to brand your email with correct header and footer. Access strategic tips to write effective body copy.

Legal Requirements
When you send out email, you must comply with the applicable laws and university policies, as explained by the Campus Administrative Policies site.
All email communications to our prospective or recently admitted students (prior to the first day of classes) must be sent by the Admissions office.