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Trademark and Logo Rules


Cal Poly trademarks and logos may not be used in any manner that suggests or implies an endorsement of other organizations, companies, products, services, political parties or views, or religious organizations or beliefs.

Trademarks and logos may not be used in conjunction with the name, trademark(s) or logo(s) of any other entity without their prior written permission. If we grant permission to use both the Cal Poly trademark or logo and another entity's trademark or logo in a design, the marks must be distinct and separate from each other and our trademarks or logos must not be overshadowed or diminished in any way. Approval of any such dual use of trademarks and logos are limited to instances where there is a compelling institutional priority.


Cal Poly’s name, trademarks or logos may not be used in any way that discriminates or implies discrimination against any persons or groups based on age, ancestry, belief, color, creed, disability, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation or veteran status, or in any other way that would be a violation of Cal Poly’s anti-discrimination policies or practices.

Product Limitations

Cal Poly trademarks and logos cannot be used in connection with certain types of products. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Products that could be used to injure or kill
  • Alcohol-related products
  • Tobacco-related products
  • Illegal drug-related products
  • Sexually suggestive products or language
  • Gambling-related products
  • Products that present an unacceptable risk of liability
  • Products harmful to the mission or image of the institution

Certain artwork or designs will not be approved for use in conjunction with Cal Poly’s trademarks or logos. These include, but are not limited to depicting or implying the use or endorsement of:

  • Alcohol
  • Illegal drugs
  • Tobacco products
  • Firearms or other weapons
  • Racist, sexist, hateful, demeaning or degrading language or statements
  • Profanity
  • Sexual acts
  • Statements impugning other universities

Approval to use the Cal Poly name, trademark or logo for a one-time application only (for example, a t-shirt) does not constitute approval to use the name, trademark or logo again, or in connection with any other item, or to change the design in any way, without seeking additional approval.