Applying for a License
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Cal Poly licensed vendor. Obtaining a license is a highly selective process, and Cal Poly considers adding new licensees when the below requirements and considerations are met, there is a unique need not being met by the program, and does not add unnecessary competition among current licensees, therefore, not all applications may be approved.
CLC Requirement Examples
- Insurance Minimums
- Application Fees
- Annual Administration Fees
- Advanced Product Category Fees
- Corporate Responsibility Standards
- Factory Supply Chain Disclosures
Cal Poly Considerations
- Product and Logo Application Quality
- Product and Design Uniqueness
- Underserved Product Category/Not Adding Competition
- Proven Sourcing, Production and Distribution Capabilities
- Exceptional Lead Times and Pricing
- Dedicated Staff to Manage Licensing Orders and Reporting
- Successful Sales History
- Clear Legal History
- Transparent Supply Chain with Compliance and Commitment to Corporate Responsibly
If you meet these criteria and you’d like to be considered, you must submit an application online. This process involves meeting minimum requirements, submitting product samples, price lists, disclosures, etc. and may take several months.
More detailed information on CLC requirements and to start the application process visit CLC’s website.
If you have additional Cal Poly trademark licensing questions, email