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Current Events Communications

Guidelines for Campus

Cal Poly is committed to open and consistent communication with its campus community. In addition to standard communications to keep students and employees informed about campus operations and programming, current events will from time to time elicit calls for campuswide messages, for the university to offer perspective or to voice support for campus community members and provide information on related policies or programming.

Campuswide Emails

Cal Poly’s general practice is to offer campuswide communications on current events only when they have a direct impact on a majority of our campus community or on higher education specifically. The decision to send a campuswide note is always made after careful consideration and consultation by the President and President’s Cabinet.

With a campus community of nearly 25,000 people, almost all current events can have a direct or indirect impact on some portion of our student body and/or faculty and staff workforce. This communications practice is in place to help avoid differing expectations around what does or does not warrant a campuswide comment; to help ensure the university always communicates in a fair and consistent manner; and to avoid over-communicating to the campus community and diluting the voice of Cal Poly’s leadership.

There will be cases in which a campuswide message from university administration has not been issued (because it does not meet the parameters detailed above), but a message from an office, division or department’s leadership to a targeted audience is deemed appropriate. In addition, alternative forms of communication and outreach (including web postings or social media) may occur for certain situations.

University Communications and Marketing is always available to discuss these scenarios and offer counsel on how best to provide clear and direct communication to a target audience.Please contact Matt Lazier, Assistant Vice President for Communications and Media Relations.

Student and Employee Resources

Cal Poly provides a wealth of resources on a wide variety of topics, for both students and employees. Please feel free to include these resources as appropriate in targeted messaging at the division, college, student and employee level.

Counseling Services for Students

Find out more information about available counseling services for students online or get virtual 24/7 support at 805-756-2511.

Learn more about Counseling Services for Students

Medical Services for Students

Find out more information about medical services for students online.

Learn more about Medical Services for students

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides confidential counseling services to all Cal Poly employees and their families. 24/7 support hotline 800-367-7474.

Learn more about EAP’s confidential services

Cal Poly Civil Rights and Compliance Office

Cal Poly Civil Rights and Compliance Office is responsible for the university's compliance with federal and state laws and regulations and CSU system policies and procedures regarding discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual exploitation, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, retaliation, whistleblower protection, conflict of interest, and the Clery Act. CRCO provides an impartial and neutral avenue for all members of the university community to address concerns regarding and potential violations of CSU policies and federal and state laws and regulations.

Visit Civil Rights and Compliance Office


Safer offers confidential and non-confidential resources for students and employees for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and harassment.


Office of the Dean of Students

You can learn more about the Office of the Dean of students on their website or you can contact them via phone (805-756-0327) or email ([email protected]).

Go to the Office of the Dean of Students

Cal Poly Cares

Cal Poly Cares provides one-time emergency grants of up to $2,000 to students who need financial and housing assistance.

Visit Cal Poly Cares

Cal Poly Food Pantry

Cal Poly Food Pantry, a resource for students struggling with food insecurity.

Learn more about Cal Poly Food Pantry

Office of University Diversity & Inclusion

Student Diversity & Belonging

Disability Resource Center

Center for Teaching, Learning and Technology

Student Ombuds Services

Cal Poly Student Ombuds Services offers students a safe place to go for assistance in resolving any university-related issue, concern, conflict, or complaint.

Visit Student Ombuds Services