Christopher Dicus
Professor | Natural Resources Management & Environmental Sciences Department

Areas of Expertise
Wildfire Issues
Contact Information
Chris Dicus, a professor of wildland fire and fuels management in the Natural Resources Management and Environmental Sciences Department, is Cal Poly’s resident wildland fire expert. Dicus is the current president of the Association of Fire Ecology (an international scientific society), heads the Wildland-Urban Interface Module of the California Fire Science Consortium, and sits on the board of directors of the San Luis Obispo County FireSafe Council. He is a certified senior fire ecologist and a California registered professional forester.
- Ph.D., Louisiana State University, Forestry
- M.S., Utah State University, Forest Resources
- B.S., Louisiana Tech University, Forestry and Wildlife
Research Interests
- Reducing fire risk in the wildland-urban interface
- Impacts of fuel treatments to wildfire behavior and ecosystem services
- Ecological impacts of fire